
Investing in Russia / Michael Cheung (Makers Fund) & Alex Nichiporchik (tinyBuild)

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Michael Cheung, General Partner at Makers Fund, and Alex Nichiporchik, CEO at tinyBuild, discuss investments in Russian gamedev – and what to do in order to to get them.

0:00 – Intro
2:22 – What sparks the interest for investors?
6:16 – Business requirements for getting investments
11:18 – Level of investor's involvement
15:52 – Do's and dont's of pitching
21:09 – Investment funds during the pandemic
25:43 – How to build trust after COVID-19
31:00 – How to get in touch with Michael
33:37 – Future trends in CIS
41:15 – Q&A session (in Russian)

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