
海鮮200元食到飽!中山最大市場!荔枝210元!贵吗?板芙最隱世漁村!十三傾水閘!最正宗!神灣菠蘿!從未試過如此美味!美食攻略!旅遊推薦!交通路線!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

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#中山 #海鮮 #旅遊

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/LLSMcSY6tARdyrGd8
餐廳消費:大生蠔 ¥50 加工費¥6,羅氏蝦 ¥60 加工費 ¥8,貓眼螺 ¥35 加工費 ¥8,沙甲 ¥17 加工費¥15,炒河粉 ¥10,燒茄子 ¥10
神灣菠蘿,果身圓形或橢圓形,果丁較深。 果肉金黃、香甜多汁、蜜味濃鬱、清爽無渣。
神灣菠蘿,果身圓形或橢圓形,果丁較深。 一般每個重一市斤左右,色澤金黃,皮薄肉厚,肉細爽脆無渣,甜蜜清香而無酸味,齒頰留香,經久不散。 神灣鳳梨營養價值,鳳梨含有一種叫做「鳳梨朊酶」的物質,它能分解蛋白質,有利於改善局部的血液循環,消除發炎和水腫;鳳梨中所含糖、鹽類和酵素有利尿作用 ,適當食用對腎炎、高血壓病患者有益。
鳳梨又叫鳳梨,原產於美洲熱帶的巴西,16世紀中期由葡萄牙的傳教士帶到澳門,然後引進到廣東各地,後在廣西、福建、台灣等省栽種,經過長期的選育,陸續生產 了許多品種。 菠蘿在中國已有400多年的栽培歷史了。 盛產於中山市神灣鎮的菠蘿,名為神灣菠蘿。 從1920年代開始,神灣鎮的人們就開始種植菠蘿,在民國二十六年(1937年)至民國二十八年(1939年)期間,神灣菠蘿的種植最盛,在當地幾乎家家戶戶 都栽種,少的2000-3000株,多的8000-10000株。
Shenwan pineapple is a specialty of Shenwan Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, and a national geographical indication product of China.
Shenwan pineapple has a round or oval fruit body with darker fruit dices. The flesh is golden, sweet and juicy, rich in honey flavor, crisp and without residue.
Shenwan pineapple has a round or oval fruit body with darker fruit dices. Generally, each one weighs about one pound, with golden color, thin skin and thick flesh, fine and crispy meat without any residue, sweet and fragrant without sour taste, and a lingering fragrance on the teeth and cheeks that lasts for a long time. Nutritional value of Shenwan pineapple. Pineapple contains a substance called "pineapple prionase", which can decompose protein, help improve local blood circulation, eliminate inflammation and edema; the sugars, salts and enzymes contained in pineapple have diuretic effects. , proper consumption is beneficial to patients with nephritis and hypertension.
Pineapples, also called bromeliads, are native to Brazil in the American tropics. They were brought to Macau by Portuguese missionaries in the mid-16th century, and then introduced to various parts of Guangdong. They were later planted in Guangxi, Fujian, Taiwan and other provinces. After a long period of selective breeding, they were gradually produced. many varieties. Pineapples have been cultivated in China for more than 400 years. The pineapples that are abundant in Shenwan Town, Zhongshan City are called Shenwan pineapples. People in Shenwan Town have been planting pineapples since the 1920s. From the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937) to the 28th year of the Republic of China (1939), the planting of pineapples in Shenwan was at its peak, with almost every household in the area growing pineapples. They are all planted, ranging from 2,000-3,000 plants to 8,000-10,000 plants.
板芙鎮,隸屬於廣東省中山市,位於中山市西南部,北與大涌鎮和南區街道接壤,南接三鄉鎮和神灣鎮,東傍五桂山街道,西瀕西江與江門市 新會區、珠海市鬥門區隔江相望。 轄區總面積79.7平方千米。 截至2021年末,板芙鎮戶籍人口3.9萬人,常住人口8.54萬人。
板芙鎮歷史可回溯至清嘉慶時期(1796年)。 因境內地處板尾水與芙蓉沙,各取兩沙洲首字而得名「板芙」。 根據1986年7月考古發現的白溪村新石器晚期文化遺址和漢代沙丘遺址證明,早在5000年前,板芙白溪村便有最早的人類活動,自古以來,當地便有「先有白泥坑( 白溪舊名),後有香山(中山)城」的說法。 南宋代,分屬仁厚鄉和德慶鄉。 1986年12月,改稱鎮。 截至2021年10月,板芙鎮轄1個社區、10個行政村。
Banfu Town, affiliated to Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, is located in the southwest of Zhongshan City, bordering Dayong Town and Nan District Street to the north, Sanxiang Town and Shenwan Town to the south, Wuguishan Street to the east, and Xijiang and Jiangmen City to the west. Xinhui District and Doumen District of Zhuhai City face each other across the river. The total area under its jurisdiction is 79.7 square kilometers. As of the end of 2021, Banfu Town has a registered population of 39,000 and a permanent population of 85,400.


★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★

★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★

★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★


★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★


00:00 Intro
00:49 中山最大市場買海鮮/荔枝按箱賣210元一箱
16:01 隱世漁村/板芙十三傾水閘
17:31 當地海鮮市場/海鮮加工餐廳
20:55 大蠔/羅氏蝦/貓眼螺/沙甲/炒河粉/燒茄子
37:57 最正宗神灣菠蘿/從未吃過如此美味的菠蘿
43:54 美食推薦
47:58 Ending
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广州美食 粤语, food tour, city walk
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