In this informative video, we will take a deep dive into the history of marijuana, from its early use by ancient civilizations to its current status as a highly controversial drug. We will explore the cultural and political factors that have shaped the way marijuana has been perceived and regulated throughout history. Additionally, we will examine the current situation regarding marijuana, including its legalization in certain countries and states, and the ongoing debate surrounding its use. We will also look at how marijuana has impacted nations, including its economic impact and the criminal justice implications of its use. Whether you are a long-time supporter of marijuana or simply curious about its history and effects, this video will provide you with valuable insights and information on this complex and fascinating topic.
0:00 Introduction
0:58 Who made marijuana illegal
3:14 Did America and Western countries have a hand in making marijuana illegal
4:08 Where is marijuana legal currently in America and Western countries
5:31 How is the cultivation of marijuana intertwined with Nepal's history, religion, and culture
6:42 What is the significance of marijuana in Ayurveda and medicine
7:33 What is the possibility of boosting the economy through marijuana cultivation
8:37 Interview with Bhim Upadhyay
16:07 Interview with Hemanta Malla
22:58 Interview with Hrishikesh Jung Shah
25:50 Ending
The Second episode is about 'गाँजा/Ganja'.
For more Updates, Follow us on:
References :
A Creative Presentation of Team Khoj
Research: Saurendra Bahadur Shah, Aashik Yadav
Research Support : Tejendra Bikram Karki
Camera : Manish Basnet
Video : Subarna Bhandari
Presentation: Sudarshan Budhathoki 'Marshall'
Creative Support : Lokendra Budha, Rajan Kc 'Pramod'
Management : Sagar Sharma
In association with Kantipur Infotech and Mount Budhha Media
नेपाली भाषामा तथ्य र तथ्यांकमा आधारित खोजमूलक कार्यक्रम सबैले सजिलै बुझ्ने गरी प्रस्तुत गर्ने उद्देश्यको नतिजा हो, “खोज”। यस कार्यक्रमको मुख्य उद्देश्य समाजलाई केही हदसम्म भए पनि तत्थ्य र तथ्यांकमा रहेर बहस गर्नतर्फ अभिप्रेरित गर्नु रहेको छ । कुनै पनि कन्टेन्ट बनाउँदा त्यसको सम्पूर्ण पक्षको अध्ययन, अनुसन्धान गरेर तथ्यपरक कन्टेन्ट प्रस्तुत गर्ने हाम्रो प्रयास रहन्छ । ब्यालेन्स्ड एनालाइसिस पस्किने सदैव हाम्रो ध्यान रहन्छ।
कुनै पनि धर्म, संस्कृति, लिङ्ग, जात, समुदायलाई चोट पुर्याउने हाम्रो अभिप्राय रहेको छैन ।
The purpose of Khoj is to present research-based programs that everyone can easily understand based on facts and figures in the Nepali language.
The main objective of this program is to inspire society to discuss and debate the facts and figures available, even if to a limited extent. When creating any content, our effort is to present factual content by studying and researching the fundamental aspect of the topic. We always keep our focus on balance analysis.
Our intention is not to harm any religion, culture, gender, caste, or community.
0:00 Introduction
0:58 Who made marijuana illegal
3:14 Did America and Western countries have a hand in making marijuana illegal
4:08 Where is marijuana legal currently in America and Western countries
5:31 How is the cultivation of marijuana intertwined with Nepal's history, religion, and culture
6:42 What is the significance of marijuana in Ayurveda and medicine
7:33 What is the possibility of boosting the economy through marijuana cultivation
8:37 Interview with Bhim Upadhyay
16:07 Interview with Hemanta Malla
22:58 Interview with Hrishikesh Jung Shah
25:50 Ending
The Second episode is about 'गाँजा/Ganja'.
For more Updates, Follow us on:
References :
A Creative Presentation of Team Khoj
Research: Saurendra Bahadur Shah, Aashik Yadav
Research Support : Tejendra Bikram Karki
Camera : Manish Basnet
Video : Subarna Bhandari
Presentation: Sudarshan Budhathoki 'Marshall'
Creative Support : Lokendra Budha, Rajan Kc 'Pramod'
Management : Sagar Sharma
In association with Kantipur Infotech and Mount Budhha Media
नेपाली भाषामा तथ्य र तथ्यांकमा आधारित खोजमूलक कार्यक्रम सबैले सजिलै बुझ्ने गरी प्रस्तुत गर्ने उद्देश्यको नतिजा हो, “खोज”। यस कार्यक्रमको मुख्य उद्देश्य समाजलाई केही हदसम्म भए पनि तत्थ्य र तथ्यांकमा रहेर बहस गर्नतर्फ अभिप्रेरित गर्नु रहेको छ । कुनै पनि कन्टेन्ट बनाउँदा त्यसको सम्पूर्ण पक्षको अध्ययन, अनुसन्धान गरेर तथ्यपरक कन्टेन्ट प्रस्तुत गर्ने हाम्रो प्रयास रहन्छ । ब्यालेन्स्ड एनालाइसिस पस्किने सदैव हाम्रो ध्यान रहन्छ।
कुनै पनि धर्म, संस्कृति, लिङ्ग, जात, समुदायलाई चोट पुर्याउने हाम्रो अभिप्राय रहेको छैन ।
The purpose of Khoj is to present research-based programs that everyone can easily understand based on facts and figures in the Nepali language.
The main objective of this program is to inspire society to discuss and debate the facts and figures available, even if to a limited extent. When creating any content, our effort is to present factual content by studying and researching the fundamental aspect of the topic. We always keep our focus on balance analysis.
Our intention is not to harm any religion, culture, gender, caste, or community.
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