The Portugal Food Scene ~ Best and Cheapest places to eat

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Added by MiAmigo
Hello travellers. Welcome to Mieer Travel Tips and our review of the Portugal Food Scene. Come join us as we tour cities throughout Portugal and explore some of the best and cheapest eateries we found anywhere. We compare supermarkets and farmer’s markets, traditional Portuguese restaurants, cafes and buffets. Our explorations take us to Lisbon, Cascais, Albufeira, Tavira, and Castro Marim. And we pay a special visit to Quinta De Fornalha in the Algarve, a permaculture farm well worth the visit.

You will enjoy the excellent food selections, the extremely low prices in a country known for fresh seafood, delicious bread and pastries, and of course tasty sweet port wine and inexpensive dark beer. Portugal is the place to go in Europe if you want to eat well and stay on a reasonable budget. Come and visit and stay awhile…

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